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Product basket enquiry

Review your product basket here. You can add more products, remove products from the basket, print out a list or save it in PDF format. You’ll receive a copy of your "online enquiry" by auto response.

Samples & quotes

Here you can request a sample, quotation and even order the items in your product basket. Simply complete the relevant boxes next to each item.
We normally only provide 1 sample of each enclosure / tuning knob for evaluation.
For customising quotations, enter your quantity and details below.
Click on "Continue" to complete your enquiry.

Selected products

Photo Part-No. Sample Quotation
Order Quantity  
B6604100 Lid, 6 modules
Lid, 6 modules
Sample Quotation
Order Quantity


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Attach documents

Attach any project specifications (sketches, pictures, drawings etc. - max. 10 MB each file) here:
