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Housing your product in an award-winning electronic enclosure (rather than one that is merely excellent) is the easiest way to make it stand out from your competitors. It makes absolute sense to give your product the best head start you can by specifying a standard or customised enclosure that is officially the very best. It’s a no-brainer.

People buy first with their eyes. An enclosure or finished product that lacks visual appeal will not be picked up and handled. It may have fantastic ergonomics, it may have the best circuits and programming…but no-one will ever know if they don’t pick it up.

An enclosure will not achieve that vital connection with the customer if it looks and feels ordinary. To succeed it must be extraordinary…

See OKW’s complete range of electronic enclosures:

How OKW Created Award-Winning Enclosures For Your Products

Our designers are no strangers to the red carpet, having collected glittering awards on a number of occasions. And that’s no mean feat because standard enclosures are not supposed to stand out – they’re meant to be discreet. That is to stop rival products from appearing too similar if they use the same model of standard enclosure.

So how do you create an enclosure that stands out – and yet remains discreet? By pushing the boundaries of design – because in the world of enclosures, simply looking great and feeling fantastic are not enough.

To stand a chance of winning the ultimate accolade, an enclosure must:

  • display the ‘wow’ factor
  • offer pioneering technical features
  • provide a real talking point.

Like these OKW enclosures that won leading design awards…